How To Build A Google Ad

In this article, we will guide you through the process of building a Google Ad in LandingCube. This includes integrating your Google Ads account with LandingCube and then creating your ad.

We recommend this guide to help you get started with Google Ads - Guide.

Step 1: Integrate Your Google Ads Account

Before you can create a Google Ads ad in LandingCube, you need to integrate your Google Ads account with LandingCube. Follow these steps:

Log in to LandingCube:

- Log in to your LandingCube account.

Go to Integrations:

- Navigate to the “Account Settings” — “Integrations” section from the dashboard or click this link.

Connect Your Account:

- Click on the “Connect to Google Ads” button.

- A new window will open prompting you to log in to your Google account. Enter your Google Ads account credentials.

Grant Permissions:

- You will be asked to grant LandingCube permission to access your Google Ads account. Click “Allow” to proceed.


- Once connected, you should see a confirmation message indicating that your Google Ads account is now integrated with LandingCube.

Step 2: Build Your Google Ads Ad

After successfully integrating your Google Ads account, you can now create a Google Ads ad within LandingCube. Follow these steps:

Create a New Campaign:

- From your LandingCube dashboard, click on “New Campaign.”

2. Select Type:

- Choose the Google Ads campaign.

Campaign Details:

- Enter the details for your campaign, such as campaign name, locations and budget. Then click New Ad.

Ad Group:

- Assign an ad group name and keywords. Ensure the keywords are optimized for conversions and aligned with your ad’s message. Make sure they are relevant to your product.

Create Ad Copy:

- Write compelling ad copy that includes a headline, description, and call-to-action (CTA). Make sure your ad copy is relevant to the keywords you are targeting. You must add something to a field with an asterisk *.

Choose your destination for the ad:

- You can direct the user from your ad to

Any URL you choose -

A landing page you created in LandingCube -

A link you created in LandingCubes' Links section -

Review and Publish:

- Review all the details of your ad campaign to ensure everything is set up correctly.

- Click “Publish” to start running your ad.

Monitoring and Optimization

Once your ad is live, it’s important to monitor its performance regularly. Use the analytics in LandingCube's Dashboard to track metrics such as clicks, conversions, and cost. Based on the data, make necessary adjustments to optimize your ad campaign for better results.

Integrating your Google Ads account with LandingCube and creating a Google Ads ad is a straightforward process. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively set up and launch your ad campaigns, driving more traffic and conversions through LandingCube’s powerful platform.

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