How To Integrate Landing Cube with Google Analytics

Setting up the Integration

LandingCube integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics. You can set up tracking in the “Integrations” page of your campaign. Tracking is campaign specific in case you need to use different accounts for different products.

To set this up, simply paste your Google Analytics tracking ID into LandingCube on the "Integrations" page of your chosen promotion. Your Google Analytics tracking ID will look something like this: UA-000000-2 or G-ABCDEFGHIJK. You can use both UA and GA4.

How to find your Google Analytics Measurement ID

To find your Google tag ID (which usually starts with "G-"), do the following:

  1. Sign in to your Google Analytics account.
  2. Click Admin.
  3. At the top of the Property column, select your property.

  4. In the Property column, click Data streams.

    Don't see a Data streams option in the Property column? You have a Universal Analytics property instead of a GA4 property. 
  5. Click the data stream.

  6. In the Google tag section at the bottom of the Web stream details page, click Configure tag settings.

  7. In the Your Google tag section on the Google tag page, copy the ID that starts with "G-" or "AW-".

    Measurement ID in the Web stream details pane

How to find your Google Analytics tracking UA ID

1. Sign in to your Analytics account.

2. Click Admin(Cog icon) from the bottom left side of the screen.

3. Select an account from the menu in the ACCOUNT column.

4. Select a property from the menu in the PROPERTY column.

5. Under PROPERTY, click Tracking Info > Tracking Code.

Your tracking ID and property number are displayed at the top of the page.

How LandingCube tracks Google Analytics events

LandingCube tracks the following Google Analytics events.

Event 1: Upon pageview we will pass the following standard event to Google:

ga(“send”, “pageview”)

Event 2: When a viewer has successfully signed up and claimed their promo we will pass the following information along to Google:

ga(“send”, “event”, “LandingCube”, “optin”, “campaign name”)

Event 3: When a viewer has continued on through to your Amazon product, we will send this event:

ga(“send”, “event”, “LandingCube”, “click through to Amazon”, “campaign name”)

Tip: Unfamiliar with Google Analytics events? Read this primer.

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