How to Embed Landing Pages on Shopify

In order to make your landing page appear from your own domain, you can embed the page on a Shopify site.

To do this, first, you will need to create and publish a page in LandingCube. When you're done, click View Publishing Options and then copy the embed code:

Now go to Shopify. Under your store menu, select "Pages" and click Add page:

In the page editor, click this icon to show/enter HTML code:

Now paste the code you copied from LandingCube and click Save at the bottom right:

Publish your page, and the landing page will appear embedded in your Shopify page.

Be aware that the appearance of your landing page may be affected by your Shopify theme. Additionally, some themes may not allow for HTML embeds.

If there are any theme-specific problems, you may want to reach out to the theme developer.

For any other issues, or questions, contact our support at

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