Sorry, sale has ended

This article is to diagnose the problem when you attempt to make a coupon claim on a promo page but get the message "Sorry, sale has ended" .

This usually happens when the LandingCube user is testing the promo pages to see how the coupons are delivered.

Please first ensure that your landing page is set to "Running" and not set to "Paused". You can find this information from your LandingCube Dashboard, listed under each landing page you have. Just click the colored text to change its setting.

Another reason that you could be seeing "Sorry, sale has ended" is because you are making a coupon claim on a promo page that does not have coupons added.

If you then add coupons to the promo page and attempt to make another claim, LandingCube's Anti-Abuse feature will kick in -

LandingCube's Anti-Abuse feature will think you are a user attempting to make multiple coupon claims and prevent you from taking any more coupons. This will only impact you and will not impact other users if they are using a different IP address and email address.

To remedy this, while you are testing to make sure the coupons are working, we suggest you turn off the Anti-Abuse features in your "Settings" on the Dashboard, now make a test claim which should now deploy a coupon for you, then turn the Anti-Abuse features on again.

If this does not fix the issue please read on.

If your Promo Page is set to "Scheduled", this means the promo codes will not deploy until the correct time.

To fix this, you will need to edit your Promo Page by going to the "Basics" page and scrolling to the bottom and look for the "Campaign runs" section. Click on the dropdown to edit the calendar with the appropriate dates you need (make sure the date corresponds to your coupons validity) and then click "Apply" and finally "Save & Continue" at the bottom.

If none of these solutions work, please contact our awesome support team here.

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